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Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces Village

This Village aims to support local government officers who look after parks, gardens and open spaces, including roads, for Queensland councils. 

It is a place to get together, share information, get updates on new tools and practices available for sustainable field and garden maintenance, learn about trends in playground, and park facilities and, ultimately, use a network of like-minded colleagues to help improve the parks, gardens and open spaces we provide to our communities, now and into the future. 

We  hope that you derive value from the interactions and information shared via this forum.

Note: LGMA Exchanges are available at no cost to officers of subscribing councils. 

Upcoming Events

Join our LinkedIn Group!

Want to connect with officers in this village? Join Our LinkedIn Group.

This group has been created to allow members of this village the opportunity to share information, upload documents and post topics for discussion. This group is private and only officers working in Queensland Local Governments will be accepted. We believe it will serve as a valuable extension of our existing exchange, as it is a great tool for both networking and cross council collaboration.

Making a LinkedIn is free, you can create an account here: Sign Up | LinkedIn

If you have any questions regarding this group please contact


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