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LGMA Annual Local Government Conference 2025 

The Local Government Conference is scheduled for Tuesday 9 - Thursday 11 September 2025!  

Destination: Brisbane - Save the dates!

Programme: The More Things Change…

Welcome to the 2025 Local Government Conference, The more things change….  As LGMA celebrates its 75th Anniversary, it is timely to reflect on both the association and the wider local government sector: how have they changed, how have they stayed the same and what might be coming in the future.  What is clear is that, at fundamental level, the values and passion for community which have driven both, have remained unchanged in all of those 75 years.  The question for the sector is, will that hold true in the future?

With pressure to change coming from all sides, whether it be cost sifting pressures, changing community expectations, generational changes impacting employee approaches or technological advancements, local government’s passion for community and commitment to service are under threat as is its capacity to deliver on those values. 

The more things change…Conference will explore what it is that local government will need to do (or consider) in order to keep our fundamental values intact.  By reflecting on where we have been, recent developments and future predictions, delegates will deliberate on how to best manage their councils to protect the things that are great about Queensland local governments – well into the future.

Venue: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Corner Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank 4101 (Boulevard Rooms). 

The Annual LG Conference will be held in the Boulevard Rooms.  The best access is via Grey Street - opposite the Queensland Conservatorium (near Olio Cafe/Bar and the Russell Walk).  BCEC on Grey Street joins with BCEC on Merivale Street via the Plaza Level.


Tuesday 9 September 2025

12:30-3:00pm Optional Add-on - LGMA 75th Anniversary Luncheon (further information and prices below)

3.30pm – 4.00pm Registration

4.00pm – 6.00pm President’s Welcome Reception

Evening at Leisure

Wednesday 10 September 2025

08.45am Welcome

09.00am – 3.00pm Conference Sessions

3.00pm LGMA AGM

4.00pm – 6.00pm Beach vs. Bush Challenge

Evening at Leisure

Thursday 11 September 2025

08.30am – 3.00pm Conference Sessions

6.30pm – 10.30pm Gala Dinner

Keynote Presenters: 

Alicia McKay is New Zealand's straight-talking strategist. Author, speaker, consultant and entrepreneur, she has worked on strategy, change, and leadership with 120+ organisations, from tiny charities and rural Councils to global corporations and federal agencies. Alicia has helped thousands of leaders make better decisions and get better outcomes, and her strategy models and decision frameworks are used worldwide to drive alignment and performance.

She is a public sector enthusiast and internationally recognised local government expert. In the last 15 years, Alicia has worked with over 60 Councils and dozens of public and private sector organisations in planning, engineering, community development, transport, and infrastructure. She partners with local government associations to deliver training and events and is a trusted advisor to local, state, and federal governments on local government issues.

Some of Alicia’s career highlights include:

  • Inducting hundreds of Councillors across Australia and NZ
  • Partnering with the NZ Solicitor-General to reshape the future of Crown Law
  • Founding and delivering the Not An MBA executive education programme for over 500 global leaders
  • Preparing investment logic and business cases for 8-figure infrastructure projects in health, education and infrastructure, and
  • Hosting over 1,000 Mayors and CEOs as MC and headline speaker at the Australian Local Government Association NGA in 2022.

Alicia’s strategy, change and facilitation training courses regularly sell out across New Zealand and Australia. Her enthusiastic global audience follows her plain English posts, articles, and videos, including her popular weekly newsletter: Wednesday Wisdom.

Alicia is the author of three books: From Strategy to Action, You Don’t Need an MBA, and most recently, Local Legends: How to Make a Difference in Local Government.  Her motto is simple: No buzzwords; no bullshit.

Simon Kuestenmacher is a Director and Co-founder based in Melbourne.  Simon holds degrees in geography from leading universities in Berlin and Melbourne and worked for several years as a business consultant with KPMG Australia.

In 2017 Simon, with Bernard Salt, co-founded a business which provides specialist advice on demographic, consumer and social trends for business.  Today he presents on demographic and global trends that are shaping Australia today and into the future and his presentations and quirky observations are enjoyed by corporate, government and industry audiences alike.

Simon is a columnist at The New Daily newspaper and a regular contributor to The Australian newspaper.  He is frequently called on by the media to comment on demographic and data matters. 

Simon has amassed 600,000 global followers on social media, reaches over 35 million people every month and ranks as one of the world’s Top 10 influencers in data visualisation. If you can’t get enough of data that explains how the world works, make sure to follow him on Twitter or any of his other social channels.

Conference Sessions: 

This conference boasts a wide array of speakers from both within and outside the sector.  Topics covered will include strategy, leadership, generational change in the workforce, harnessing community and the impacts of demographic shifts.  Delegates will be able to engage with local government specialists, academics and subject matter experts who are presenting and also with key suppliers to the sector including legal, recruitment, technological, educational and other service providers.

The CEO panel is always a favourite and this year will discuss the leadership traits needed in 2025 local government and beyond.

The Great Debate was wildly popular in 2024 and will be brought back in 2025.  An entertaining discussion of what is a very topical issue, this is one not to miss.

The 2025 conference will include a showcase of LGMA’s history.  The display will offer a fascinating look back at how local government has shifted over the years and early-arriving delegates will have the opportunity to catch up with influential members and past Presidents going back over a generation.


LGMA is a membership-based organisation for Queensland Local Government.  Our focus is advocacy, collaborative learning and professional development for council officers.  For LGMA events we offer registration for all council officers plus corporate partners with event agreements in place.  All other registration enquiries should be directed to LGMA to check for availability -

Full registration includes the President's Welcome Reception on Tuesday, the Beach vs Bush Activity on Wednesday and the Conference Sessions on Wednesday and Thursday (morning tea and lunch are provided) and the Conference Dinner on Thursday evening. 

Early Bird Rates (on or before 30 June) Council Officer $1565

Standard Rates (on or after 1 July) Council Officer $1835

Late Rates (available from 1 Aug if not sold out) Council Officer $2020

Please see the Registration Terms and Conditions (includes discounts and complimentary registrations).

Register for the LGMA Annual Conference

Optional Add-on - LGMA 75th Anniversary Luncheon

LGMA Member Rate $130.00

LGMA Retired Member Rate $100.00

Non-Member Rate $150.00

Register Here by 8 August 2025

Exclusions: Travel and accommodation are not included in the conference registration fees.

Accommodation: The Accommodation and Precinct Map will assist with accommodation options.

We are pleased to have secured discounted rates for the conference for CLLIX Apartments and Hotels.  The exclusive online booking code is ANNUALCONF2025.  

You can use this discount code directly on the website and enter the group code (ANNUALCONF2025) for 12% off any of the advertised website rates. 

This code can only be used on the CLLIX website and is available to book from January 2025 and the rates will be available for use from September 06-15, 2025 - subject to availability.  Please note there is a multiple night stay requirement – please refer to the website and individual properties outlined below.

List of the properties with discounts applied:

Soda Apartments by CLLIX

Brisbane One Apartments

Hope Street Apartments

Ivy & Eve Apartments by CLLIX

Atlas Apartments by CLLIX

Arena Apartments by CLLIX

Brisbane Skytower by CLLIX

Apartments in Brisbane | Destinations | CLLIX Apartments and Hotels

T: 07 3518T: 07 3518108 / E:

Getting to the venue: Map

we thank our Conference Corporate Partners 2025:

Principal Partner

Platinum Partners




Corporate Partnership Enquiries - Please contact Lisa Hamilton on 07 3174 5005 or

The Corporate Partner Prospectus is available on the Partner with Us page under About Us.


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