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International Manager Exchange

LGMA is offering the opportunity for one Member to participate in a unique professional development experience by attending a local government conference in New Zealand. In conjunction with the Taituarā (NZ), LGMA will send one member to attend the Taituarā Annual Conference which will be held on 3-5 September in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Nominations are now open for the 2025 International Managers Exchange. View the nomination form. 

Please call 07 3174 5006, or email with any queries. 

Previous Exchange Programmes

Alicia Cutler, General Manager Community Services at Rockhampton Regional Council received the New Zealand exchange and was hosted by Dennise Elers, Group Manager Community Partnerships at Central Hawke’s Bay District Council.

Read Alicia's report on her exchange experience. 

Doug Tate, Central Hawke's Bay District Council, and Kim Driver, Sunshine Coast Council. 

In 2020/2021, COVID-19 disrupted plans for the International Exchanges. However, due to great work by both governments, the New Zealand Exchange was able to go ahead, albeit in an adjusted format. Kim Driver of Sunshine Coast Council is the 2020/21 exchange recipient and she welcomed Doug Tate, Chief Executive Officer, from Central Hawke's Bay District Council.

Doug ventured across The Tasman and joined us at our Annual Local Government Conference in September. 

Kim will head to the Taituara Conference in Wellington in November. 

The following Exchanges occurred in 2019/20.

Bernard Smith, CEO of Gympie Regional Council received the Canada exchange to Quebec and Portage la Prairie late May 2019 and was hosted by Nathan Peto. Nathan attended the 2019 Local Government Conference at The Ville Resort Casino, Townsville in September (see article below).

Mark Pitt, CEO of South Burnett Regional Council received the New Zealand exchange to travel to New Zealand late September 2019.  The NZ Exchangee was Alan Adcock, who also attended the 2019 Local Government Conference at The Ville Resort Casino, Townsville in September.

Justin CommonsCEO of Tablelands Regional Council received the California Exchange, travelled to the US in February 2020.

Nicola Pitt, Mark Pitt (middle), participant in the 2019/20 International Manager Exchange programme, and exchange partner Alan Adcock of Wanganui District Council, New Zealand

Report on International Managers Exchange New Zealand 2019

Bernard Smith, who participated in the 2018/19
International Manager Exchange programme,

Teagan Collier (Qld), Canadian Participant
Nathan Peto and his wife, Tyne Peto

View Bernard's article



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