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Our Governance

LGMA is governed by the Rules of Association.  These outline the role and obligations of LGMA and detail governance requirements in relation to membership eligibility and administration, financial management, the board of management and activities.

The Rules of Association were amended in mid-2023 by Special Resolution.  These amendments included broadening membership eligibility to encompass anyone working in a Queensland local government and increasing the term of the President.

LGMA Rules

LGMA Reports

The activities of LGMA are reported through the Financial Statements each year.     

LGMA Annual Report 2022/23

LGMA Annual Report 2021/22

LGMA Annual Report 2020/21

LGMA Annual Report 2019/20

LGMA Annual Report 2018/19

LGMA Annual Report 2017-2018

LGMA Annual Report 2016/2017

LGMA Annual Report 2015/2016

LGMA Annual Report 2014/2015

Annual General Meeting

Our annual general meeting is held once a year and all members of the association are invited to attend.  The purpose of the AGM is to give members a report on the association's activities and finances for the previous year, to allow time for members to ask questions and to elect members to the Board for the coming year.  LGMA generally holds it's AGM during the Annual Conference each year.

The 2023 AGM was held at the Caloundra Events Centre at 3:15pm on Wednesday, 30 August 2023.  The Notice of AGM, AGM Papers and Draft Minutes of meeting can be viewed via the following links. Notice of AGM   AGM Papers  Draft Minutes

Previous AGM Papers which contain the minutes of the previous meeting, can be accessed here:

2022    2021     2020      2019      2018      2017      2016      2015 


Members of LGMA are expected to hold to high standards of professionalism and ethical behaviour.  They are governed by a Code of Conduct.  These were first introduced in 1963 to demonstrate and secure the commitment of members to the good governance of local government.  They have been modernised regularly since that time.

A critical part of LGMA’s role in supporting members and the sector is the work the organisation does in advocating on behalf of members.  LGMA  works with State and Federal Government and other stakeholders to ensure the best possible working environment for officers in order to provide the highest, appropriate levels of service to communities. 

In addition to issues which arise from time to time, LGMA advocates on a series of approved policy platforms.  These long standing positions are articulated through the LGMA Policy Platforms.

Strategic Plan

LGMA works towards a Strategic Plan endorsed by the Board.  The Plan articulates key priorities for the period covered and is implemented by the LGMA Team. 


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